Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Matt's Interview

Matt's interview with Evan Onstot went well. I think he had fun, and it appeared that Evan had fun as well.

It will air on KLBK news in the next few weeks. I look forward to seeing how it comes out.

Wow. It's hot today.

-- come to Lubbock. We have wind!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

C. C. in her Command Center

C. C. has obviously adjusted to living with the rest of us.

Here she is working on hiding in her tent which she hopes will camouflage her from the rest of us.

Why am I posting this in the middle of a tornado warning?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Matthew Dohm's Deviant Art Collection

One of the students at the high school where I teach has been given the honor of receiving an award at Carnegie Hall in NYC in June for his artwork. I have worked with him the last two years and his art teacher and I are very excited for him. A few examples of his work can be seen by clicking the link below.

Needless to say, I am extremely proud of him. Especially due to the fact that he is a sophomore in high school.

Click the link below to see his Deviant Art collection.